Big Ol' Slice Of Humble Pie
hanging with the big dogs: ULA or bust!
I was on a mental high hiking down Muir Pass, but still sick to my stomach and utterly exhausted. It had been a few days since I'd seen another thru hiker on trail, and immediately recognized the presence of good company with two tarps pitched ahead of me. The three hikers invited me to join camp and man was I happy. Little did I know I would be sleeping next to the LEGENDS: Scott Williamson, Tattoo Joe and Hippie Long Stockings.
I can't begin to comprehend the amount of miles these Pro's have seen. For once, I was silent... listening in awe to all their stories and adventures... helicopter rescues, finding frozen bodies off trail, running for life out of the fire path, scars of proof. I aint seen nothing yet. They cooked me hot cocoa and supplied me with extra food. What kind of trail magic meets you days away from a town? I wanted to have them sign the energy bar wrapper, but was too shy to ask so mailed it home for the scrap book. I'll never forget that night. I realized how small I was in this big picture. These people are nuts... and I aspire to be like them one day.