Braving The Blow Downs
Blow down /blōdoun/ noun
a tree or trees that have been blown down by the wind. "crews will be removing blowdown for a number of days
Personally, I think that maneuvering over blowdown is rather fun. When these fallen trees block the trail, I take a moment to myself, strategizing my optimal spot and cross... Right leg saddling a branchless section, hiking poles grounded in front for balance and a graceful ballet pivot with the left leg to swing myself over. It's my daily yoga, my daily little dance. I'm getting quite good at this... especially with all the practice on the PNT!
However, bushwhacking blow downs are a completely different story. Take a look at my hiking puzzle and tell me how you would cross this!!!
Remembering my elementary school gymnastic classes. It's a playground out here!
Or this...
Yup, that's the trail... On a rather steep slope, too!