On The Road Again
Road walking is tough... Especially tough on your joints... Sometimes you just have to suck it up and look on the bright side of things. There sure is a lot of road walking on the PNT. You know me and my damn positivity by now, so naturally I've made a list of the highlights:
- I love dead animals and I find all kinds of road kill out here. Why is it that a dead rattlesnake is cool but a dead house cat makes me want to cry? I'm working on my species prejudices.
- I don't have to concentrate on the ground because it's flat and smooth, no rocks and roots to trip over. There isn't a more clumsy hiker than myself, so this is a definite plus!
- Bridges are cool... Actually, they are very cool!
Oh crap, I got to clean my lens... Sorry for the splotches.
- Farm land is pretty cool, too!
- I see plenty more people and get to wave to all the passerby's... Hopefully showing these drivers a glimpse of this thru-hiker lifestyle. One even stopped for a quick high five.
- It makes you appreciate the mountain THAT MUCH MORE!
- Had I not been road walking by the oil refinery, I might have missed the fine print... I won't be swimming in the "Imazapyr and/or glyphosate"
- If I get injured, I don't have to wait a week for a hiker to find my broken body.
- You'll most likely pass a bar, lounge, casino or gas station stocked with beer and Bloody Mary's.
All in all, road walking is part of the hike. I'll take a hitch here and there on a hot busy highway, but sometimes the road provides a lovely little escape from all the overwhelming beauty on trail. An escape from beauty... I like the way that sounds. I found an old license plate on one of my walks and I'm wearing it on my pack until the end. No, you may not see my registration, fine sir.