Leaving on a Jet Train
I'm off. No phone, few rules, and over 1,000 miles of experience to come. I took a three day train from San Jose, California to East Glacier, Montana. There is something perfectly romantic about riding the rails. Almost like a symbolic voyage to start anew.
Sometimes, you have to be brave enough to break your own heart.
It didn't take long for me to find my first Bloody Mary and make lifelong friends on board. On the second night, Violet, a nine year old beyond her years, shared a blanket, trail mix and stories with me in the observation car until her midnight stop in Spokane. That girl, I swear. Then there was Kandi... We only had 30 minutes together before my stop, but when you meet an angel, you remember her forever. You touched me deeply and I'm blessed to know you.
A new hiker friend, Monkey Leg, met me at the station where we found one more PNT'er, Free. What an amazing start... A ride to the ranger station and trail head with two new amazing friends. It still baffles me how perfectly life works out when you forget about your worries and take a leap.